2018.09--2020.12 山东大学,博士后
2021.04—至今 71886a必赢,副研究员
2012.09--2018.06 博士,等离子体物理,山东大学,导师:亓斌、夏利东、Bao-An Li
2016.11--2017.12 访问学者, 得克萨斯农工大学康默斯分校, 国家留学基金委联合培养博士生项目, 导师:Bao-An Li
2008.09--2012.06 学士,应用物理学,山东大学
1. 主要从事大学物理教学工作
2. 与高等教育出版社合作建立大学物理习题课(线上)
2022 江苏省“双创博士”
2018.06 亚洲核物理联合会暨亚太物理学会核物理分会青年科学家
1. 2024.01--2027.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,通过反转中子星观测数据约束核物质夸克物质相变性质,No. 12375120,52万元,主持
2. 2024.01--2026.12 71886a必赢至善青年学者,30万元,主持
3. 2021.01--2023.12 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,基于中子星观测数据约束高密核物质状态方程及对称能,No. 12005118,24万元,主持,已结题
4. 2021.01--2023.12 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,基于中子星观测数据限制核物质高密对称能的理论探索,No. ZR2020QA085,15万元,主持
5. 2019.05--2020.09 中国博士后科学基金会面上资助,天文观测对中子星物质状态方程及对称能限制的理论探索,No. 2019M652358,8万元, 主持,已结题
1. Properties of first-order hadron-quark phase transition from inverting neutron star observables
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Physical Review C, 108, 025803 (2023)
2. Impact of symmetry energy on sound speed and spinodal decomposition in dense neutron-rich matter
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Eur. Phys. J. A, 59, 86 (2023)
3. Impact of NICER’s radius measurement of PSR J0740+6620 on nuclear symmetry energy at suprasaturation densities,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Astrophysical Journal, 921, 111 (2021)
4. GW190814’s secondary component with mass (2.50 − 2.67) M⊙ as a super-fast pulsar,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Astrophysical Journal, 902, 38 (2020)
5. Constraints on the muon fraction and density profile in neutron stars,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Astrophysical Journal, 893,61 (2020);
6. The key factor to determine the relation between radius and tidal deformability of neutron star: slope of symmetry energy,
Nai-Bo Zhang, Bin, Qi, and Shou-Yu Wang, Chinese Physics C, 44, 064103 (2020);
7. Delineating effects of nuclear symmetry energy on the radii and tidal polarizabilities of neutron stars,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 46, 014002 (2019);
8. Extracting nuclear symmetry energies at high densities from observations of neutron stars and gravitational waves,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, The European Physical Journal A, 55, 39 (2019);
9. Implications of the Mass M=2.17 Msun of PSR J0740+6620 on the Equation of State of Super-dense Neutron-rich Nuclear Matter,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Astrophysical Journal, 879, 99 (2019);
10. Astrophysical constraints on a parametric equation of state for neutron-rich nucleonic matter,
Nai-Bo Zhang and Bao-An Li, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 29, 178 (2018);
11. Combined Constraints on the Equation of State of Dense Neutron-rich Matter from Terrestrial Nuclear Experiments and Observations of Neutron Stars,
Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li, and Jun Xu, Astrophysical Journal, 859, 90 (2018);
12. How tightly is the nuclear symmetry energy constrained by a unitary Fermi gas?
Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-Jun Cai, Bao-An Li, William G. Newton, and Jun Xu, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 28, 181 (2017);
13. Neutrino emissivity of the nucleon direct URCA process for rotational traditional and hyperonic neutron stars,
Nai-Bo Zhang, Shou-Yu Wang, Bin Qi, Jian-Hua Gao, and Bao-Yuan Sun, Chinese Physics C, 41, 075101 (2017);
14. Keplerian frequency of uniformly rotating neutron stars in relativistic mean field theory,
Nai-Bo Zhang, Bin Qi, Shou-Yu Wang, Shuai-Liang Ge, and Bao-Yuan Sun, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 22, 1350085 (2013);
15. Progress in Constraining Nuclear Symmetry Energy Using Neutron Star Observables Since GW170817,
Bao-An Li, Bao-Jun Cai, Wen-Jie Xie, and Nai-Bo Zhang, Universe, 7, 182 (2021)
16. Towards understanding astrophysical effects of nuclear symmetry energy,
Bao-An Li, Plamen G. Krastev, De-Hua Wen, and Nai-Bo Zhang, The European Physical Journal A, 55, 117 (2019);
17. 大学物理规律名称辨析《大学物理》,张勇、张乃波等,已接收
18. 2023版与2010版《理工类大学物理课程教学基本要求》的比较与启示,《物理与工程》,张勇、张乃波,已接收